

The Renaissance Report is a Business-based variety show created by host Andre Haynes (Renaissance). Its purpose is to spread knowledge on the benefits of a healthy mentality, personal financial responsibility, business, self-help, and most importantly the help of others.

The Renaissance Report broadcasts through numerous social media outlets, which includes a personal website, YouTube, Facebook, etc. Influences of the show include Snoop Dogg’s “GGN” and Comedy Centrals “The Daily Show” hosted by comedian Trevor Noah. Though similar in format, The Renaissance Report is focused toward a bit of a broader audience whose interest not only include politics and entertainment, but also those wanting a “dope”, fun way of being motivated while learning finance. All without having to pay a financial advisor or go to some 3-day seminar where they shove “systems” and “programs” down your throat at absurd costs. The show will run roughly 15 minutes per episode, have special guests (Business owners mostly) from various professions and diverse walks of life to share experiences and testimonies, in addition to segments on the different essentials of a positive mentality and personal finance.

The creator was inspired and feels qualified to do the show based on his personal life’s trials and tribulations. From ages 18 – 27 he was a struggling parent & hip-hop artist with no knowledge of credit, money, or much else for that matter. The only thing he knew was how to write songs & survive on the bare minimum. Something had to change!

Andre stepped away from music, got a job in sales/marketing, and went back to school. After taking some business and accounting courses, he graduated with an Associates degree & realized systematic education was not for him. He began to read every book he could find on business, real estate, money, psychology, you name it, and he read it. He even went to a few seminars. From there he took what he learned, got great advice from trusted friends, started building his portfolio, and is on the road to happiness and financial freedom. The main thing he received from all of that was a purpose! He realizes his journey has prepared him for a purpose of service to others, which is what The Renaissance Report embodies in its own unique, yet interesting and attention catching way.

Andre says, “Even if you feel this isn’t for you…you can help by passing it on to somebody whom you feel needs a swift kick in the ass! Some people really don’t know this shits out there for them & others are just scared. Whatever the case hopefully it will help someone, and they’ll do the same and pass it on, so we can start a chain reaction of people helping other people at no cost, because this is life changing shit we are talking about! I know it changed my life! How can I help you with achieving your dreams and goals? The Renaissance Report is my offering!”